Alaska’s “Town Under One Roof”

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The town of Whittier Towers, Alaska is known for having nearly the entire population living in a single apartment building. The building is called Begich Towers, a 14-story apartment complex that houses about 90% of the town's residents (total:272).This has earned Whittier the nickname of "town under one roof ". The building originally constructed as an army barracks now serves as a cozy

condominium featuring a post office, general store, police station, laundromat, health clinic, mayor's office and a heated indoor pool.Whittier, Alaska is accessible only by air or through a single-lane tunnel that stretches over two miles through neighboring Maynard Mountain. The town's weather conditions can be harsh during winter, making the Begich Towers a convenient and practical living

solution for the residents. In addition to the Begich Towers, there is a second condo building in the town where the remaining residents live. The town's school and gym are located in a separate structure but are connected to the Begich Towers by a tunnel allowing for easy access the winter months.

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